Here are the basics of how the LinkedIn algorithm works:
1a- At the top of your feed, you’ll see posts by people you engage with often and posts by anyone you follow or are connected with who posts consistently (ideally at least weekly).
1b- Videos are no longer prioritized over text-only or photo-based posts. This is a newer change; as the platform first introduced video capabilities, videos would go straight to the top, but this is no longer true.
2- The amount of time that someone spends looking at the content of your post is important—this is called DWELL time. A cursory glance tells the algorithm that your post isn’t important; several minutes spent watching a video or reading a document helps boost it to the top.
3- Comments are more important than reactions, and reactions are more important than shares (at least as far as the LinkedIn algorithm is concerned). Shared content doesn’t show up twice for others; it’s seen as redundant.
4- The 2019 LinkedIn algorithm gave preference to posts with exactly three hashtags. Now, the magic number seems to be more than three but less than 10. Some of these should be specific, while others should be highly searched.
5- Short, succinct video clips are better than long ones. Videos should be native and no longer than three minutes long. Subtitles make them particularly accessible and attractive to viewers. Users are also 20% more likely to share videos than other content types.