Let’s play the game called new tools are coming once again to social media platforms.
Twitter: Twitter is looking at new privacy features relating to who can see a user’s posts and the posts they like, and more power over their follower lists. Internal research has highlighted that many Tweeters don’t fully understand privacy basics, and therefore are engaging less with the platform. Twitter is also testing out this month The ability to edit follower lists without the follower knowing, similar to Instagram. You want to like a specific tweet, but don’t necessarily want all of your followers to know, for whatever reason, you’ll soon have power over that. Users can select precisely who sees the tweets they like, whether it’s everybody, select groups, or just their followers.
Twitter’s newest test could provide some long-awaited relief for anyone facing harassment on the platform.
The new product test introduces a feature called “Safety Mode” that puts up a temporary line of defense between an account and the waves of toxic invective that Twitter is notorious for. The mode can be enabled from the settings menu, which toggles on an algorithmic screening process that filters out potential abuse that lasts for seven days.
But this still are FAR behind the other platforms when it comes to sharing reels and tiktoks that have copyrighted music in them. Twitter seems to think you are guilty of copyright infringement, but it’s obvious that you are not.
LinkedIn joins other tech companies, including Facebook and Twitter, that have already embraced a dark theme. Last week, Google added dark mode to search on desktop.
LinkedIn said dark mode, through color and contrast, is meant to cut down on eye strain and help people who are sensitive to light (though evidence of its potential benefits hasn’t been conclusive). The company said it also designed the display option to make text easier to read. Dark mode, often used in low-light conditions, could also help save battery life. To access dark mode, users go to their account preferences. From there, they’ll see dark mode listed under display, and users will be able to switch back and forth from dark to light mode.
They just announced some big changes coming to LinkedIn Stories, and if you are an admin of a Page that has published Stories in the past, know that on Monday, September 30, 2021, they plan to suspend LinkedIn Stories in their current design and will be working on a new format that better supports the needs of our unique professional users. Starting September 30, Page admins will no longer be able to upload Stories to LinkedIn, and members will not be able to view them.
Instagram: Instagram is testing a new feature that will solve a long-standing problem with the application’s feeds. Users will finally get a chance to star their favorite Instagram accounts as ‘Favorites’. Since the application sorts posts on the feed using certain algorithms, it can miss out on updates from close friends or relatives or even your favorite influencers. This new feature will allow users to take better control of their feed.
Look for more new tools to hit up on Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter soon. Facebook may be working on a few as well.
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