Since about March, a lot of folks are deciding to leave Facebook, due to the data breaches and worries about security. Not so fast, folks! All you need to know about Facebook and how to keep your privacy and security in tact is below:

1- Keep Apps in Check

Over the years you’ve used Facebook, you’ve probably given various apps permission to tap into its data trove. And why not? At the time it’s a simple enough request, a way to share photos more easily, sign in to websites quicker, or find friends across the app zone. In doing so, though, you’re granting developers deep insight into your Facebook profile. And until Facebook tightened up permissions in 2015, you were also potentially letting them see information about your friends, as well.

2- How to disable Facebook’s app platform altogether

Go to Facebook on your web browser of choice.

Click on the Menu button (looks like an upside-down triangle) in the upper right corner.

Select Settings.

Click on the Apps tab.

Tap on Apps near the bottom.

Select Platform.

Tap Edit.

Select the Turn off Platform button.

3- Check where you have signed in.

In Security and Login settings, review where you have logged in. While you’re logged into Facebook, click on the down arrow the upper right corner of your screen and select “Settings.” Then on the left rail, second down, click on Security and Login. You’ll see where your account is logged in now and be able to log out any session that isn’t you. If you see a location logged in that wasn’t done by you, it’s definitely time to change your password.

4- Update and use a strong password unique to your Facebook account.

Use: Capital letters,  these symbols, $#!%, lower case, using the space bar is actually part of password, and also numbers. Another good idea is to use a saying you know or phrase. 

5- Friends Focus

After a decade on Facebook, you’ve likely picked up friends along the way you no longer recognize—not just their profile picture, their name and context. To get a handle on who can see which of your posts, it’s finally time to head to Settings then Privacy. Start with Who can see my posts, then click on Who can see my future posts to manage your defaults. Skip ahead down to How People Find and Contact You, since that’s thankfully pretty straightforward. Tweak all the settings to your liking. The main note here: Don’t share your email or phone number unless you absolutely have to, and if you do, keep the circle as small as possible. head to Timeline and Tagging in the left-hand menu. There you can limit who can post to your timeline, who can see which posts, who can see what you’re tagged in, and so on. Your tolerance here will vary depending on how active a Facebook user you are and how obnoxious your friends can be, but at the very least it’s helpful for setting custom audiences that exclude people—your boss, maybe, or an ex—you definitely don’t want taking an active role in your Facebook experience. You’ll see a Face Recognition option in the left-hand menu pane as well. It has some genuine uses, like letting you know if someone is using a photo of you in their account for trolling or impersonation. But if you’re fundamentally more creeped out by Facebook’s algorithms hunting for your face than by potential human jerks, go ahead and switch it off.

6- Make your Friends List setting to Only Me.

7- Control who can see your posts:

To select the audience for stuff your friends share on your timeline: Click in the top right of any page and select Settings. Click Timeline and Tagging in the left column. Look for the setting Who can see what others post on your Timeline? and click Edit to the far right. Select an audience from the dropdown menu.

8- Don’t use the check-in on Faecbook.

When you check in you let others kow where you are. Also don’t post vacation pictures while you are on vacation! Wait until you come home before posting.

9- Remember these simple rules about staying safe online:

Never share your password.

Think before you post.

Adjust your privacy settings and review them often.

Only accept friend requests from people you know personally.

Report things that look suspicious.

( source: Wired dot com )