
About sassygirl

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So far sassygirl has created 116 blog entries.

In 2022 Here’s what Social Media Has Taught Me

As we sit here on December 13, 2022 I find [...]

If you aren’t doing this on LinkedIn, Then you are using this platform wrong

The most common mistake people make on LinkedIn is that [...]

By |2022-09-13T12:21:57-04:00September 13, 2022|blogging, Business, digitial, LinkedIn, Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Facebook is dead as is Instagram.. it’s all about Tiktok now.

First off if you use Facebook LIVE shopping... guess what? [...]

Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn – what you need to know

Here is the blog post in video form  CLICK HERE [...]

The Comprehensive Social Media Course

*** The most comprehensive social media course is now ready [...]

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